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Many programs support low-to-moderate income households in ways that can help people electrify.

California Programs

Bassett Avocado Heights Advanced Energy Community (BAAEC)


Communities in and surrounding Bassett and Avocado Heights unincorporated areas (Eligibility Map)


BAAEC is offering free energy technologies, such as solar panels, battery storage, and heat pump water heaters for eligible households. Technologies are valued up to $50,000. Complete the online interest form to be contacted for more information.


General Programs

Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA)




The Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA) provides no cost weatherization services to energy users who meet CARE income limits. People interested in using these program services apply to the program through their utility. Services include, attic insulation, energy-efficient refrigerators, energy-efficient furnaces, and more. Go to the ESA program page to find your utilities application page.


Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH)


In the region of Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Southern California Edison, Liberty Utilities Company, PacifiCorp, and San Diego Gas & Electric Company


The Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) program provides financial incentives for installing photovoltaic (PV) energy systems on multifamily affordable housing. The program will deliver clean power and credits on energy bills to hundreds of thousands of California’s affordable housing residents.


Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Where: Statewide

LIHEAP is a federally funded program, that can offer a one-time payment to help you:​​​

  • Pay your heating or cooling bills, even if you use wood, propane, or oil.
  • In an emergency or energy crisis, such as a utility disconnection.​​

In addition to help with paying ​​your energy bill, LIHEAP can also provide in-home weatherization services for:

  • ​Improved energy efficiency, and
  • Health and safety.​​

Low Income Weatherization Program (LIWP)

Farmworker Housing Energy Efficiency & Solar PV

Where: Fresno County, Imperial County, Kern County, Madera County, Merced County, Monterey County, San Joaquin County, Stanislaus County, Riverside County, Santa Barbara County, Tulare County, Ventura County

Description: Farmworker Housing Component installs no-cost energy efficiency improvements and/or solar PV systems for qualified farmworker households. Funded by the State of California to help households save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the program lowers energy costs for families and makes other improvements to improve the livability of housing.

Contact: This program is delivered by La Cooperativa Campesina de California and MAROMA Energy Services in partnership with a network of local contractors. ​For more information ​call: (833) FOR-LIWP or (833) 367-5497

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

Where: Statewide

Description: CSD's energy efficiency and weatherization programs provide home energy efficiency upgrades and health and safety improvements to qualifying low-income households. To learn more about eligibility requirements and inquire about available services in your area, please contact your local low-income energy services provider.

Contact: Speak to a live operator to assist you in obtaining more information on where to apply, please call our toll-free help line at (866) 675-6623.


Disadvantaged Communities - Single-family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH)

Where: Disadvantaged communities designated by CalEPA. Check this map to determine your eligibility.

Description: This program enables income-qualified homeowners in disadvantaged communities (DACs) to receive no-cost rooftop solar installations. DAC-SASH is run by GRID Alternatives and is currently accepting applications. Visit GRID Alternatives' website to see if you qualify and to apply.


Disadvantaged Communities - Green-Tariff (DAC-GT)

Where: Disadvantaged communities designated by CalEPA. Check this map to determine your eligibility.

Description: The program enables income-qualified, residential customers in disadvantaged communities (DACs) who may be unable to install solar on their roof to still benefit from 100% clean energy while also receiving a 20% bill discount. The program is available to customers who meet the income eligibility requirements for the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) programs.


Community Solar Green Tariff (CSGT)

Where: Disadvantaged communities designated by CalEPA. Check this map to determine your eligibility.

Description: This program enables residential customers in n disadvantaged communities (DACs) who may be unable to install solar on their roof to benefit from a local solar project and receive a 20% bill discount. The communities work with a local non-profit or government “sponsor” to organize community interest and present siting locations to the utility or CCA; the sponsor can also receive an incentive for its efforts.


Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP)

Where: Statewide

Description: The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) is a California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) program that offers rebates for installing energy storage technology in your home. These storage technologies include battery storage systems that can function in the event of a power outage.


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